Wine, Food, Travel, & Lifestyle


White merlot wine being poured into wine glass

White Merlot: An Unexpected Favorite

When it comes to the world of wine, you may have heard of Merlot, the celebrated red wine known for its smooth, velvety flavors. But have you ever ventured into the enchanting realm

Paige leaning on a truck drinking a glass of dry merlot wine

Is Merlot Sweet or Dry?

When it comes to the world of wine, there’s an incredible variety of options to explore. Among the red wines, Merlot often stands out as a popular choice. But is Merlot sweet, or

Paige surrounded by Merlot bottles, drinking red wine

Merlot 101: A Grape with a Story to Tell

Each October, I rejoice as the temperatures cool and leaves begin their transition into bright auburn colors – luscious reds, fiery oranges, golden yellows. Harvest comes to a close here in wine country

Malbec vs Merlot Wines - Paige on a white bed with red wine and her cat, Arwen. A camera is in the foreground

Malbec vs Merlot: Comparing Great Wine Varieties

Ah, the age-old debate on the best wine – Malbec vs Merlot. The answer can be either, as both of these fine wines offer something truly unique and flavorful to spark conversations around

Paige with an assortment of Best Merlot Wines - she's drinking wine and 8 bottles sit in front of her

Best Merlot Wines for Any Budget

Looking for the best Merlot wines for your budget? Each October, I rejoice as the temperatures cool and leaves begin their transition into bright auburn colors – luscious reds, fiery oranges, golden yellows.

bottles of merlot wines on a table with wine corks

Merlot Month

October is Merlot Month — probably my favorite “wine holiday” out there! Merlot is one of the two main varietals in the OG Wine Region… Bordeaux. It’s capable of producing complex, interesting wines